
Our handbags are guaranteed for a period of one year after the date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship, and we will replace or repair, at our option, any product determined by us to be defective in materials or workmanship. However, damages arising out of normal wear and tear, accident, improper care, or negligence are not covered under this guarantee. If you believe that your bag is defective, please email us at specifying the model number, date of purchase and a description of the defect.

In order to preserve the quality of your HERVE CHAPELIER handbag, we urge you to follow these recommendations.

If the outside of your handbag becomes dirty, you can clean it with cold water and soap with a cloth and allow it to air dry. You should never machine-wash your bag or place it in a dryer.

For leather trimmings, wipe clean with a slightly dampened cloth. Allow to air dry; never use a dryer.

The canvases used to manufacture HERVE CHAPELIER handbags are coated with PVC (a compound known as polyvinyl chloride). Therefore it is not necessary to apply a waterproof product to your bag, especially because certain waterproofing products contain ingredients that are incompatible with PVC treatment and may cause damage to the bag.

Even though your bag is PVC treated, we recommend that you protect it from heavy rain.

We also recommend protecting your handbag from humidity and keeping it away from sources of heat (radiators, car interiors in summer, etc.).


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